
Sabtu, 24 November 2007

[edit] Pointers

Pascal supports the use of pointers:

a = ^b;
b = record
x: Integer;
y: Char;
z: a
pointer_to_b: a;

Here the variable pointer_to_b is a pointer to the data type b, a record. Pointers can be used before they are declared. This is an exception to the rule that things must be declared before they are used. To create a new record and assign the values 10 and A to the fields a and b in the record, the commands would be;

pointer_to_b^.x := 10;
pointer_to_b^.y := 'A';
pointer_to_b^.z := nil;

This could also be done using the with statement, as follows

with pointer_to_b^ do
x := 10;
y := 'A';
z := nil

Note that inside of the scope of the with statement, the compiler knows that a and b refer to the subfields of the record pointer pointer_to_b and not to the record b or the pointer type a.

Linked lists, stacks and queues can be created by including a pointer type field (c) in the record (see also nil and null (computer)).

[edit] Control structures

Pascal is a structured programming language, meaning that the flow of control is structured into standard statements, ideally without 'go to' commands.

while a <> b do writeln('Waiting');

if a > b then
writeln('Condition met')
writeln('Condition false');

for i := 1 to 10 do writeln('Iteration: ', i:1);

repeat a := a + 1 until a = 10;

[edit] Procedures and functions

Pascal structures programs into procedures and functions.

program mine(output);
var i : integer;

procedure print(var j: integer);

function next(k: integer): integer;
next := k + 1

writeln('The total is: ', j);
j := next(j)

i := 1;
while i <= 10 do print(i)

Procedures and functions can nest to any depth, and the 'program' construct is the logical outermost block.

Each procedure or function can have its own declarations of goto labels, constants, types, variables, and other procedures and functions, which must all be in that order. This ordering requirement was originally intended to allow efficient single-pass compilation. However, in some dialects the strict ordering requirement of declaration sections is not required.

Language constructs 1

Pascal, in its original form, is a purely procedural language and includes the traditional array of Algol-like control structures with reserved words such as if, then, else, while, for, and so on. However, pascal also has many data structuring facilities and other abstractions which were not included in the original Algol60, like type definitions, records, pointers, enumerations, and sets. Such constructs were in part inherited or inspired from Simula67, Algol68, and Niklaus Wirth's own AlgolW.

[edit] Hello world

Pascal programs start with the program keyword with a list of external file descriptors as parameters; then follows the main statement block encapsulated by the begin and end keywords. Semicolons separate statements, and the full stop ends the whole program (or unit). Letter case is ignored in Pascal source. Some compilers, Turbo Pascal among them, have made the program keyword optional.

Here is an example of the source code in use for a very simple program:

program HelloWorld(output);
writeln('Hello, World!')

[edit] Data structures

Pascal's simple (atomic) types are real, integer, character, boolean and enumerations, a new type constructor introduced with Pascal:

r: Real;
i: Integer;
c: Char;
b: Boolean;
e: (apple, pear, banana, orange, lemon);

Subranges of any ordinal type (any simple type except real) can be made:

x: 1..10;
y: 'a'..'z';

In contrast with other programming languages Pascal supports set type:

set1: set of 1..10;
set2: set of 'a'..'z';
set3: set of;

A set is fundamental concept for modern mathematics, and many algorithms are defined with sets usage. So, an implementation of such algorithm is very suitable for Pascal. Also, set's operations may be realized faster. For example, for many Pascal compilers:

if i in [5..10] then

is faster, than

if (i>4) and (i<11) then

Types can be defined from other types using type declarations:

x = Integer;
y = x;

Further, complex types can be constructed from simple types:

a = Array [1..10] of Integer;
b = record
x: Integer;
y: Char
c = File of a;

As shown in the example above, Pascal files are sequences of components. Every file has a buffer variable which is denoted by f^. The procedures get (for reading) and put (for writing) move the buffer variable to the next element. Read is introduced such that read(f, x) is the same as x:=f^; get(f);. Write is introduced such that write(f, x) is the same as f^ := x; put(f); The type text is predefined as file of char. While the buffer variable could be used to inspect the next character that would be used (check for a digit before reading an integer), this concept lead to serious problems with interactive programs with early implementations, but was solved later with the "lazy I/O" concept.

In Jensen & Wirth Pascal, strings are represented as packed arrays of chars; they therefore have fixed length and are usually space-padded. Some dialects have a custom string type.

Implementations Pascal

The first Pascal compiler was designed in Zurich for the CDC 6000 series mainframe computer family. Niklaus Wirth reports that a first attempt to implement it in Fortran in 1969 was unsuccessful due to Fortran's inadequacy to express complex data structures. The second attempt was formulated in the Pascal language itself and was operational by mid-1970. Many Pascal compilers since have been similarly self-hosting, that is, the compiler is itself written in Pascal, and the compiler is usually capable of recompiling itself when new features are added to the language, or when the compiler is to be ported to a new environment. The GNU Pascal compiler is one notable exception, being written in C.

The first successful port of the CDC Pascal compiler to another mainframe was completed by Welsh and Quinn at the Queen's University of Belfast in 1972. The target was the ICL 1900 computer.

The first Pascal compiler written in North America was constructed at the University of Illinois under Donald B. Gillies for the PDP-11 and generated native machine code. Pascal enjoyed great popularity throughout the 1970s and the 1980s.

In order to rapidly propagate the language, a compiler "porting kit" was created in Zurich that included a compiler that generated code for a "virtual" stack machine (i.e. code that lends itself to reasonably efficient interpretation), along with an interpreter for that code - the p-code system. Although the p-code was primarily intended to be compiled into true machine code, at least one system, the notable UCSD implementation, utilized it to create the interpretive UCSD p-System. The P-system compilers were termed P1-P4, with P1 being the first version, and P4 being the last.

A version of the P4 compiler, which created native binaries, was released for the IBM System/370 mainframe computer by the Australian Atomic Energy Commission; it was called the "AAEC Pascal Compiler" after the abbreviation of the name of the Commission. A version of P4 from 1975-6 (based on its internal code, it probably should be called "P5") including source and binaries for the compiler and run-time library files for the PDP-10 mainframe may be downloaded from this link.

In the early 1980s, Watcom Pascal was developed, also for the IBM System 370.

IP Pascal was an implementation of the Pascal programming language using Micropolis DOS, but was moved rapidly to CP/M running on the Z80. It was moved to the 80386 machine types in 1994, and exists today as Windows/XP and Linux implementations.

In the early 1980s, UCSD Pascal was ported to the Apple II and Apple III computers to provide a structured alternative to the BASIC interpreters that came with the machines.

Apple Computer created its own Lisa Pascal for the Lisa Workshop in 1982 and ported this compiler to the Apple Macintosh and MPW in 1985. In 1985 Larry Tesler, in consultation with Niklaus Wirth, defined Object Pascal and these extensions were incorporated in both the Lisa Pascal and Mac Pascal compilers.

In the 1980s Anders Hejlsberg wrote the Blue Label Pascal compiler for the Nascom-2. A reimplementation of this compiler for the IBM PC was marketed under the names Compas Pascal and PolyPascal before it was acquired by Borland. Renamed to Turbo Pascal it became hugely popular, thanks in part to an aggressive pricing strategy and in part to having one of the first full-screen Integrated development environments. Additionally, it was written and highly optimized entirely in assembly language, making it smaller and faster than much of the competition. In 1986 Anders ported Turbo Pascal to the Macintosh and incorporated Apple's Object Pascal extensions into Turbo Pascal. These extensions were then added back into the PC version of Turbo Pascal for version 5.5.

The inexpensive Borland compiler had a large influence on the Pascal community that began concentrating mainly on the IBM PC in the late 1980s. Many PC hobbyists in search of a structured replacement for BASIC used this product. It also began adoption by professional developers. Around the same time a number of concepts were imported from C in order to let Pascal programmers use the C-based API of Microsoft Windows directly. These extensions included null-terminated strings, pointer arithmetic, function pointers, an address-of operator and unsafe typecasts.

However, Borland later decided it wanted more elaborate object-oriented features, and started over in Delphi using the Object Pascal draft standard proposed by Apple as a basis. (This Apple draft is still not a formal standard.) Borland also called this Object Pascal in the first Delphi versions, but changed the name to Delphi Programming Language in later versions. The main additions compared to the older OOP extensions were a reference-based object model, virtual constructors and destructors, and properties. There are several other compilers implementing this dialect, see Object Pascal.

Turbo Pascal, and other derivatives with units or module concepts are modular languages. However, it does not provide a nested module concept or qualified import and export of specific symbols.

Super Pascal was a variant which added non-numeric labels, a return statement and expressions as names of types.

The universities of Zurich, Karlsruhe and Wuppertal have developed an EXtension for Scientific Computing (Pascal XSC), which provides a free solution for programming numerical computations with controlled precision.

In 2005, at the Web 2.0 conference, Morfik Technology introduced a tool which allowed the development of Web applications entirely written in Morfik Pascal. Morfik Pascal is a dialect of Object Pascal, very close to Delphi.

Brief description

Wirth's intention was to create an efficient language (regarding both compilation speed and generated code) based on so-called structured programming, a concept which had recently become popular. Pascal has its roots in the Algol 60 language, but also introduced concepts and mechanisms which (on top of Algol's scalars and arrays) enabled the programmer to define his or her own complex (structured) datatypes, and also made it easier to build dynamic and recursive data structures such as lists, trees and graphs. Important features included for this were records, enumerations, subranges, dynamically allocated variables with associated pointers, and sets. To make this possible and meaningful, Pascal has a strong typing on all objects, which means that one type of data cannot be converted or interpreted as another without explicit conversions. Similar mechanisms are standard in many programming languages today. Other languages that influenced Pascal's development were COBOL, ALGOL 68, Simula 67, and Wirth's own Algol-W .

Pascal, like many scripting languages of today (but unlike most languages in the C-family), allows nested procedure definitions to any level of depth, and also allows most kinds of definitions and declarations inside procedures and functions. This enables a very simple and coherent syntax where a complete program (or unit) is syntactically nearly identical to a single procedure or function (except for the keyword itself, of course).

History of Pascal

Pascal is based on the ALGOL programming language and named in honor of mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal. Wirth subsequently developed the Modula-2 and Oberon, languages similar to Pascal, and earlier, also the language Euler.

Initially, Pascal was a language intended to teach students structured programming, and generations of students have "cut their teeth" on Pascal as an introductory language in undergraduate courses. Variants of Pascal are still widely used today, for example Free Pascal can be used in both 32 and 64 bit formats, and all types of Pascal programs can be used for both education and software development.

Examples of usage

Pascal was the primary high-level language used for development in the Apple Lisa, and in the early years of the Mac; parts of the original Macintosh operating system were hand-translated into Motorola 68000 assembly language from the Pascal sources. The popular typesetting system TeX by Donald E. Knuth was written in WEB, the original literate programming system, based on traditional Pascal, while an application like Total Commander was written in Delphi (i.e. Object Pascal).

Minggu, 18 November 2007

PASCAL tutorial

This page is dedicated to teaching you to program with Borland Turbo Pascal, easily and quickly. We assume no prior programming experience but at least a basic knowledge of algebra. We provide you with all the software you will need, so if you want to learn how to program then you have come to the right place.

Why Learn Pascal?

We thought long and hard about this question. Pascal is a basic and easy to learn language. Using it teaches you important programming principles which can be applied to most other programming languages. It will also teach you skills to think through ta sks and also other skills which can be applied to many areas, including some outside computing, such as task management etc. But the most important reason to learn pascal is because it's fun and interesting. (We hope)

What would I use Pascal for?

You would use Pascal for the same things you would use any programming language. This is things such as: making games or the like, making databases, or performing repetitive calculations.

Downloading Pascal 6

To begin with you will need to download Pascal. This is Pascal 6 which is Freeware. (Pascal 7 is not however, and so we cannot give it to you). Once you have downloaded it you will need to unzip it to the appropriate directory. You can now run TURBO.EXE

You will also need to know how to use the Pascal programming environment:

Bob the Sausage

You may have noticed Bob at the top of the screen. He will appear occasionally throughout the tutorials, so watch out for him.

Right, with no further ado, let's get started:

Other lessons are:

Jumat, 16 November 2007

Learn Pascal Programming Tutorial Lesson 2 - Colors, Coordinates, Windows and Sound


To change the color of the text printed on the screen we use the TextColor command.

program Colors;



The TextBackground command changes the color of the background of text. If you want to change the whole screen to a certain color then you must use ClrScr.

program Colors;



Screen coordinates

You can put the cursor anywhere on the screen using the GoToXY command. In DOS, the screen is 80 characters wide and 25 characters high. The height and width varies on other platforms. You may remember graphs from Maths which have a X and a Y axis. Screen coordinates work in a similar way. Here is an example of how to move the cursor to the 10th column in the 5th row.

program Coordinates;




Windows let you define a part of the screen that your output will be confined to. If you create a window and clear the screen it will only clear what is in the window. The Window command has 4 parameters which are the top left coordinates and the bottom right coordinates.

program Coordinates;



Using window(1,1,80,25) will set the window back to the normal size.


The Sound command makes a sound at the frequency you give it. It does not stop making a sound until the NoSound command is used. The Delay command pauses a program for the amount of milliseconds you tell it to. Delay is used between Sound and NoSound to make the sound last for a certain amount of time.

program Sounds;



Learn Pascal Programming Tutorial Lesson 1 - Introduction to Pascal

About Pascal

The Pascal programming language was created by Niklaus Wirth in 1970. It was named after Blaise Pascal, a famous French Mathematician. It was made as a language to teach programming and to be reliable and efficient. Pascal has since become more than just an academic language and is now used commercially.

What you will need

Before you start learning Pascal, you will need a Pascal compiler. This tutorial uses the Free Pascal Compiler. You can find a list of other Pascal compilers at TheFreeCountry's Pascal compiler list.

Your first program

The first thing to do is to either open your IDE if your compiler comes with one or open a text editor.

We always start a program by typing its name. Type program and the name of the program next to it. We will call our first program "Hello" because it is going to print the words "Hello world" on the screen.

program Hello;

Next we will type begin and end. We are going to type the main body of the program between these 2 keywords. Remember to put the full stop after the end.

program Hello;


The Write command prints words on the screen.

program Hello;

Write('Hello world');

You will see that the "Hello world" is between single quotes. This is because it is what is called a string. All strings must be like this. The semi-colon at the end of the line is a statement separator. You must always remember to put it at the end of the line.

The Readln command will now be used to wait for the user to press enter before ending the program.

program Hello;

Write('Hello world');

You must now save your program as hello.pas.


Our first program is now ready to be compiled. When you compile a program, the compiler reads your source code and turns it into an executable file. If you are using an IDE then pressing CTRL+F9 is usually used to compile and run the program. If you are compiling from the command line with Free Pascal then enter the following:

fpc hello.pas

If you get any errors when you compile it then you must go over this lesson again to find out where you made them. IDE users will find that their programs compile and run at the same time. Command line users must type the name of the program in at the command prompt to run it.

You should see the words "Hello world" when you run your program and pressing enter will exit the program. Congratulations! You have just made your first Pascal program.

More commands

Writeln is just like Write except that it moves the cursor onto the next line after it has printed the words. Here is a program that will print "Hello" and then "world" on the next line:

program Hello;


If you want to skip a line then just use Writeln by itself without any brackets.

Using commands from units

The commands that are built into your Pascal compiler are very basic and we will need a few more. Units can be included in a program to give you access to more commands. The crt unit is one of the most useful. The ClrScr command in the crt unit clears the screen. Here is how you use it:

program Hello;


Write('Hello world');


Comments are things that are used to explain what parts of a program do. Comments are ignored by the compiler and are only there for the people who use the source code. Comments must be put between curly brackets. You should always have a comment at the top of your program to say what it does as well as comments for any code that is difficult to understand. Here is an example of how to comment the program we just made:

{This program will clear the screen, print "Hello world" and wait for the user to press enter.}

program Hello;


ClrScr;{Clears the screen}
Write('Hello world');{Prints "Hello world"}
Readln;{Waits for the user to press enter}


You will notice that I have put 3 spaces in front of some of the commands. This is called indentation and it is used to make a program easier to read. A lot of beginners do not understand the reason for indentation and don't use it but when we start making longer, more complex programs, you will understand.

Rabu, 14 November 2007



A type in Pascal, and in several other popular programming languages, defines a variable in such a way that it defines a range of values which the variable is capable of storing, and it also defines a set of operations that are permissible to be performed on variables of that type. TURBO Pascal has eight basic data types which are predefined and can be used anywhere in a program provided you use them properly. This chapter is devoted to illustrating the use of these eight data types by defining the allowable range of values that can be assigned to them, and by illustrating the operations that can be done to variables of these types. The eight types and a very brief description follows;

    integer   Whole numbers from -32768 to 32767
byte The integers from 0 to 255
real Floating point numbers from 1E-38 to 1E+38
boolean Can only have the value TRUE or FALSE
char Any character in the ASCII character set
shortint The integers from -128 to 127
word The integers from 0 to 65535
longint The integers from -2147483648 to 2147483647

Please note that four of these types of data (char, shortint, word, and longint) are not a part of the standard Pascal definition but are included as extensions to the TURBO Pascal compiler.

In addition to the above data types TURBO Pascal version 5.0 and later have the following data types available;

    single     Real type with 7 significant digits
double Real type with 15 significant digits
extended Real type with 19 significant digits
comp The integers from about -10E18 to 10E18

TURBO Pascal version 5.0 and newer have these four types available which use the 80X87 math coprocessor. Because TURBO Pascal has a software emulator for the floating point operations, an 80X87 math coprocessor is not absolutely required to use these new types with these versions. Of course, your resulting program will run much faster if you have the coprocessor available for use by the program. Note that the math coprocessor is built into every 80486 and Pentium processor.

A complete definition of the available types for each compiler can be found in your TURBO Pascal reference manual. It would be good to read these pages now for a good definition prior to learning how to define and use them in a program. Note that all of these will be used in example programs in this chapter.


Example program ------> INTVAR.PAS

The integers are by far the easiest to understand so we will start with a simple program that uses some integers in a very simple way. Load INTVAR.PAS into your Pascal system and let's take a look at it.

Immediately following the program statement is another reserved word, var. This reserved word is used to define a variable before it can be used anywhere in the program. There is an unbroken rule of Pascal that states "Nothing can be used until it is defined." The compiler will complain by indicating a compilation error if you try to use a variable without properly defining it. It seems a bit bothersome to have to define every variable prior to its use, but this rule will catch many spelling errors of variables before they cause trouble. Some other languages will simply define a new variable with the new name and go merrily on its way producing some well formatted garbage for you.

Notice that there is only one use of the reserved word var, but it is used to define three different variables, Count, X, and Y. Once the word var is recognized, the compiler will continue to recognize variable definitions line after line until it finds another reserved word. It would be permissible to put a var on the second line also but it is not necessary. It would also be permissible to put all three variables on one line but your particular programming style will dictate where you put the three variables. Following the colon on each line is the word integer which is a standard identifier, and is therefore different from a reserved word. A standard identifier is predefined like a reserved word, but you can redefine it, thereby losing its original purpose and meaning. For now and for a long time, don't do that.


Now that we have three variables defined as integer type variables, we are free to use them in a program in any way we desire as long as we use them properly. If we tried to assign a real value to X, the compiler will generate an error, and prevent a garbage output. Observe the start of the main body of the program. There are three statements assigning values to X, Y, and Count. A fine point of mathematics would state that Count is only equal to the value of X+Y until one of them is modified, therefore the equal sign used in so many other languages is not used here. The sign := is used, and can be read as "is replaced by the value of," when reading a listing. Another quicker way is to use the word "gets". Thus X := X + 1 would be read, "X gets the value of X plus 1". We will see later that the simple equal sign is reserved for another use in Pascal.

The first three statements give X the value of 12, Y the value of 13, and Count the value of 12 + 13 or 25. In order to get those values out of the computer, we need another extension to the Writeln statement. The first part of the data within the parentheses should be very familiar to you now, but the second part is new.

Multiple outputs can be handled within one Writeln if the fields are separated by a comma. To output a variable, simply write the variable's name in the output field. The number following the variable in each case is the number of output columns to be used by the output data. This number is optional and can be omitted allowing the system to use as many columns as it needs. For purposes of illustration, they have all been assigned different numbers of columns. At this point, you can compile and run INTVAR.PAS and examine its output.

Example program ------> INTVAR2.PAS

To illustrate the various ways to output data, load INTVAR2.PAS and observe that even though the output is identical, it is output in a completely different manner. The Writeln statements are broken into pieces and the individual pieces are output with Write and Writeln statements. Observe especially that a Writeln all by itself simply moves the cursor to the beginning of a new line on the video monitor.

Compile and run this program and observe its output after you are certain that the two programs are actually identical.


Example program ------> ALLVAR.PAS

Load ALLVAR.PAS to observe a short program using five of the basic data types. The variables are assigned values and the values are printed. A complete and detailed description of the options available in the Write statement is given in your TURBO Pascal reference manual. Check the index to find this information for the version you are using. It would be to your advantage to read this section now since very little explanation will be given about Write statements from this point on. We will discuss the method by which we can write to disk files or other output devices in a later chapter of this tutorial.

Back to the basic types. Pascal does lots of cross checking for obvious errors. It is illegal to assign the value of any variable with a value that is of the wrong type or outside the allowable range of that variable. There are routines to convert from one system to another when that is necessary. Suppose, for example, that you wished to use the value of an integer in a calculation of real numbers. That is possible by first converting the integer into a real number of the same value and using the new real type variable in the desired calculations. The new real type variable must of course be defined in a var statement as a real type variable before it can be used. Details of how to do several conversions of this kind will be given in the example program named CONVERT.PAS later in this chapter.

Example program ------> REALMATH.PAS

Since we have some variables defined, it would be nice to use the properties of computers for which they are famous, namely some arithmetic. Two programs are available for your observation to illustrate the various kinds of math available, REALMATH.PAS using real variables, and INTMATH.PAS using integer variables. You can edit, compile, and run these on your own with no further comment from me except the comments embedded into the source files. You should output some of the results using the method of outputting illustrated in the previous example program. Read the definition of how to do this in your TURBO Pascal User's Guide.

Example program ------> INTMATH.PAS

The example program named INTMATH.PAS illustrates some of the math capabilities of Pascal when using integer type variables. A byte type variable is used just like an integer variable but with a much smaller allowable range. Only one byte of computer memory is used for each variable defined as a byte type variable, but 2 are used for each integer type variable.


Example program ------> BOOLMATH.PAS

Let's take a look at a boolean type variable, which is only allowed to take on two different values, TRUE or FALSE. This variable is used for loop controls, end of file indicators or any other TRUE or FALSE conditions in the program. Variables can be compared to determine a boolean value. A complete list of the relational operators available with Pascal is given in the following list.

    =     equal to
<> not equal to
> greater than
< less than
>= greater than or equal to
<= less than or equal to

These operators can be used to compare any of the simple types of data including integer, char, byte, and real type variables or constants, and they can be used to compare boolean variables. An illustration is the best way to learn about the boolean variable so load BOOLMATH.PAS and observe it.

In BOOLMATH.PAS we define a few boolean variables and two integer type variables for use in the program and begin by assigning values to the two integer variables. The expression Junk = Who in line 14 is actually a boolean operation that is not true since the value of Junk is not equal to the value of Who, The result is therefore FALSE and that value is assigned to the boolean variable A. The boolean variable B is assigned the value of TRUE because the boolean expression Junk = (Who - 1) is true. The boolean variables C and D are likewise assigned some values in a manner that should not need any comment. After assigning a value to the variable with the big name, the values are all printed out. Note that if either A or B is TRUE, the result is TRUE in line 18.


We will find many uses for the boolean type variable when we study the loops and conditional statements soon, but until then we can only learn what they are. Often, in a conditional statement, you will want to do something if both of two things are true, in which case you will use the reserved word and with two boolean expressions. If both are true, the result will be true. Line 29 is an example of this. If the boolean variables B, C, and D, are all true, then the result will be true and A will be assigned the value of TRUE. If any one of them is false, the result will be false and A will be assigned the value of FALSE.

In Line 31, where the or operator is illustrated, if any of the three boolean variables is true, the result will be true, and if all three are false, the result will be false. Another boolean operator is the not which is illustrated in line 30 and inverts the sense of the boolean variable D. Examine line 33 which says the result is true only if the variable Junk is one less than Who, or if Junk is equal to Who. This should indicate the level of flexibility available with a boolean variable.

Compile and run this program, then add some additional printout to see if the boolean variables change in the manner you think they should in the last few statements.


Suppose you have several boolean expressions "and"ed together, and when evaluation starts, the first expression results in a FALSE. Since the first expression is FALSE, it is impossible for the following expressions to ever allow the final result to be TRUE because the first FALSE will force the answer to be FALSE. It seems like a waste of execution time to continue evaluating terms if the final result is already known, but that is exactly what standard Pascal will do because of the language definition. This is known as complete evaluation of a boolean expression. If the system is smart enough to realize that the final result is known, it could stop evaluation as soon as the final result is known. This is known as short circuit evaluation of a boolean expression, and could also be applied if a term of an "or"ed boolean expression resulted in a TRUE, since the result would always be TRUE.

TURBO Pascal versions 5.0 and later, allows you to choose between complete evaluation or short circuit evaluation. The default for these compilers is the short circuit form but it can be changed through the Options menu when you are using the integrated environment, or through use of a compiler directive.


Example program ------> CHARDEMO.PAS

A char type variable is a very useful variable, but usually not when used alone. It is very powerful when used in an array or some other user defined data structure which is beyond the scope of this chapter. A very simple program, CHARDEMO.PAS is included to give you an idea of how a char type variable can be used. Study, then compile and run CHARDEMO.PAS for a very brief idea of what the char type variable is used for.

Example program ------> CONVERT.PAS

Examine the sample program CONVERT.PAS for several examples of converting data from one simple variable to another. The comments make the program self explanatory except for the strings which we will study in chapter 7 of this tutorial.


Example program ------> EXTINT.PAS

Display the program EXTINT.PAS for an example of using the extended integer types available with the Pascal compiler. Four variables are defined and values assigned to each, then the results are displayed. When you compile and run the program, you will see that the variable Big_int can indeed handle a rather large number.

It must be pointed out that the calculation in lines 13 and 21 result in a different answer even though they appear to be calculating the same thing. An explanation is in order. The quantity named MaxInt used in lines 10 and 13 is a constant built into the system that represents the largest value that an integer type variable can store. On the first page of this chapter we defined that as 32767 and when running the program you will find that Index displays that value as it should. The constant MaxInt has a type that is of a universal_integer type as do all of the numeric constants in line 13. The result then is calculated to the number of significant digits dictated by the left hand side of the assignment statement which is of type longint resulting in a very large number.

When we get to line 21, however, the variable Index is of type integer so the calculations are done as though the constants were of type integer also which causes some of the more significant digits to be truncated. The truncated result is converted to type longint and assigned to the variable Big_int and the truncated value is displayed by line 22.

After that discussion it should be apparent to you that it is important what types you use for your variables. It must be emphasized that it would not be wise to use all large type variables because they use more storage space and slow down calculations. Experience will dictate the proper data types to use for each application.


Example Program ------> EXTREAL.PAS

Display the program EXTREAL.PAS for an example using the new "real" types available with the newer versions of TURBO Pascal.

If you are using a version of TURBO Pascal which is 5.0 or newer, you can use the 80X87 math coprocessor.

This program should be self explanatory so nothing will be said except that when you run it, you can observe the relative accuracy of each of the variable types. Once again, you should keep in mind that use of the larger "real" types costs you extra storage space and reduced run-time speed, but gives you more accuracy.



Example program ------> TRIVIAL.PAS

Lets get right into a program that really does nothing, but is an example of the most trivial Pascal program. Load Turbo Pascal, then load TRIVIAL.PAS into the integrated environment as a work file. This assumes you have been successful in learning how to use the TURBO Pascal system.

You should now have the most trivial Pascal program possible on your display, and we can take a look at each part to define what it does.

The first line is required in the standard Pascal definition and contains the program name which can be any name you like, as long as it follows the rules for an identifier given in the next section. It can have no blanks, otherwise it would be considered as two words and it would confuse the compiler. The first word program is the first of the reserved words mentioned earlier and it is the indicator to the Pascal compiler that this is the name of the program. The second word, Puppy_Dog, is the program name itself. Notice that the line ends with a semicolon. Pascal uses the semicolon as a statement separator and although all statements do not actually end in a semicolon, most do, and the proper use of the semicolon will clear up later in your mind.

TURBO Pascal does not require the program statement, but to remain compatible with standard Pascal, it will simply ignore the entire statement. It is recommended that you include a program name both to aid your thinking in standard Pascal, and to add a little more indication of the purpose of each program.


All identifiers, including the program name, procedure and function names, type definitions, and constant and variable names, will start with an alphabetical character and be composed of any combination of alphabetic and numeric characters with no embedded blanks. Upper or lower case alphabetic characters are not significant and may be mixed at will. (If you find this definition confusing at this point, don't worry about it, it will be clear later but it must be defined early). The standard definition of Pascal requires that any implementation (i.e. any compiler written by some company) must use at least 8 characters of the identifier as significant and may ignore the remaining characters if more than 8 are used. Most implementations use far more than 8. All versions of TURBO Pascal use 63 characters in an identifier as being significant.

Standard Pascal does not allow the use of underlines in an identifier but most implementations of Pascal allow its use after the first character. All versions of TURBO Pascal compilers permit the use of the underline in an identifier, so it will be freely used throughout this tutorial. The underline is used in the program name Puppy_Dog which should be on your display at this time.

Returning to the example program, line 2 is a blank line. Blank lines are ignored by all Pascal compilers. More will be said about the blank line at the end of this chapter.


Lines 3 and 4 comprise the actual Pascal program, which in this case does absolutely nothing. This is an illustration of the minimum Pascal program. The two words begin and end are the next two reserved words we will consider. Any logical grouping of Pascal code can be isolated by bracketing it with the two reserved words begin and end. You will use this construct repeatedly as you write Pascal code, so it is well to learn it thoroughly. Code to be executed by conditional jumps will be bracketed by begin and end, as will code within a loop, and code contained within a subroutine (although they are called procedures in Pascal), and in many other ways. In the present program, the begin and end are used to bracket the main program and every Pascal program will have the main program bracketed in this manner. Because there is nothing to do in this program, there are no statements between the begin and end reserved words.

Finally, although it could be very easily overlooked, there is one more very important part of the program, the period following the reserved word end. The period is the signal to the compiler that it has reached the end of the executable statements and is therefore finished compiling. Every Pascal program will have one, and only one period in it, and that one period will be at the end of the program. I must qualify that statement in this regard, a period can be used in comments, and in text to be output. In fact there are some data formats that require using a period as part of their structure. Think of a Pascal program as one long sentence with one period at the end. Ignore lines 9 through 13 for a few minutes and we will describe them fully later.

That should pretty well describe our first program. Now it is time for you to compile and run it. Since this program doesn't do anything, it is not very interesting, so let's look at one that does something.


Example Program ------> WRITESM.PAS

Load the Pascal program WRITESM.PAS and view it on your monitor. The filename is sort of cryptic for "Write Some" and it will display a little output on the monitor. The program name is Kitty_Cat which says nothing about the program itself but can be any identifier we choose. We still have the begin and end to define the main program area followed by the period. However, now we have two additional statements between the begin and end. Writeln is a special word and it is probably not surprising that it means to write a line of data somewhere. Without a modifier, which will be fully explained in due time, it will write to the default device which, in the case of our IBM compatible, is the video display. The data within the parentheses is the data to be output to the display and although there are many kinds of data we may wish to display, we will restrict ourselves to the simplest for the time being. Any information between apostrophes will simply be output as text information.

The special word Writeln is not a reserved word but is defined by the system to do a very special job for you, namely to output a line of data to the monitor. It is, in fact, a procedure supplied for you by the writers of TURBO Pascal as a programming aid for you. You can, if you so desire, use this name for some other purpose in your program, but doing so will not allow you to use the standard output procedure. It will then be up to you to somehow get your data out of the program.

Note carefully that some words are reserved and cannot be redefined and used for some other purpose, and some are special since they can be redefined. You will probably not want to redefine any of the special words for a long time. Until you gain considerable programming experience, simply use them as tools.

Notice the semicolon at the end of line 4. This is the statement separator referred to earlier and tells the Pascal compiler that this line is complete as it stands, nothing more is coming that could be considered part of this statement. The next statement, in line 5, is another statement that will be executed sequentially following the statement in line 4. This program will output the two lines of text and stop.

Now it is time to go try it. Compile and run this program. You should see the two lines of text output to the video display every time you run this program. When you grow bored of running WRITESM.PAS let's go on to another example.


Example program ------> WRITEMR.PAS

Examine the example program named WRITEMR.PAS. This new program has three lines of output but the first two are different because another special word is introduced to us, namely Write. Write is a procedure which causes the text to be output in exactly the same manner as Writeln, but Write does not cause a carriage return to be output. Writeln causes its output to take place, then returns the "carriage" to the first character of the next line. The end result is that all three of the lines of text will be output on the same line of the monitor when the program is run. Notice that there is a blank at the end of each of the first two lines so that the formatting will look nice. Compile and execute the new program.

Now might be a good time for you to return to editing WRITEMR.PAS and add a few more output commands to see if they do what you think they should do. When you tire of that, we will go on to the next file and learn about comments within a Pascal program.


Example program ------> PASCOMS.PAS

The file named PASCOMS.PAS is similar to the others except that comments have been added to illustrate their use. Pascal defines comments as anything between (* and *) or anything between { and }. Originally only the wiggly brackets were defined, but since many keyboards didn't have them available, the parenthesis star combination was defined as an extension and is universal by now, so you can use either. Most of the comments are self explanatory except for the one within the code. Since comments can go from line to line, lines 11 and 12 that would normally print "send money", are not Pascal code but are commented out by the comment delimiters in lines 10 and 13. Try compiling and running this program, then edit the comment delimiters out so that "send money" is printed also.

A fine point should be mentioned here. Even though some compilers allow comments to start with (* and end with }, or to start with { and end with *), it is very poor programming practice and should be discouraged. The ANSI Pascal standard allows such usage but TURBO Pascal does not permit this funny use of comment delimiters.

TURBO Pascal does not allow you to nest comments using the same delimiters but it does allow you to nest one type within the other. This could be used as a debugging aid. If you generally use the (* and *) for comments, you could use the { and } in TURBO Pascal to comment out an entire section of code during debugging even if it had a few comments in it. This is a trick you should remember when you reach the point of writing programs of significant size.

When you have successfully modified and run the program with comments, we will go on to explain good formatting practice and how Pascal actually searches through your source file (Pascal program) for its executable statements.

It should be mentioned that the program named PASCOMS.PAS does not indicate good commenting style. The program is meant to illustrate where and how comments can be used and looks very choppy and unorganized. Further examples will illustrate good use of comments to you as you progress through this tutorial.


You should now be able to discern the purpose for lines 20 through 26 of this program. Each of the example programs in this tutorial lists the result of execution in a comments section at the end of the program. This makes it possible to study this tutorial anywhere if you print out a hard copy of the example programs. With this text, and a hard copy of the example programs containing the result of execution, you do not need access to a computer to study. Of course you would need access to a computer to write, compile, and execute the programming exercises, which you are heartily encouraged to do.


Example program ------> GOODFORM.PAS

Examine GOODFORM.PAS to see an example of good formatting style. It is important to note that Pascal doesn't give a hoot where you put carriage returns or how many blanks you put in when a blank is called for as a delimiter. Pascal only uses the combination of reserved words and end-of-statement semicolons to determine the logical structure of the program. Since we have really only covered two executable statements, I have used them to build a nice looking program that can be easily understood at a glance. Compile and run this program to see that it really does what you think it should do.


Example program ------> UGLYFORM.PAS

Examine UGLYFORM.PAS now to see an example of terrible formatting style. It is not really apparent at a glance but the program you are looking at is exactly the same program as the last one. Pascal doesn't care which one you ask it to run because to Pascal, they are identical. To you they are considerably different, and the second one would be a mess to try to modify or maintain sometime in the future.

UGLYFORM.PAS should be a good indication to you that Pascal doesn't care about programming style or form. Pascal only cares about the structure, including reserved words and delimiters such as blanks and semicolons. Carriage returns are completely ignored as are extra blanks. You can put extra blanks nearly anywhere except within reserved words or variable names. You should pay some attention to programming style but don't get too worried about it yet. It would be good for you to simply use the style illustrated throughout this tutorial until you gain experience with Pascal. As time goes by you will develop a style of statement indentation, adding blank lines for clarity, and a method of adding clear comments to Pascal source code. Programs are available to read your source code, and put it in a "pretty" format, but that is not important now.

Not only is the form of the program important, the names used for variables can be very helpful or hindering as we will see in the next chapter. Feel free to move things around and modify the format of any of the programs we have covered so far and when you are ready, we will start on variables in the next chapter. Be sure you compile and execute UGLYFORM.PAS.



If you are a complete novice to computers you will find the information in this chapter useful. If however, you have had some experience with programming, you can completely ignore this chapter. It will deal with a few fundamentals of computers in general and will introduce nothing that is specific to Pascal.


A computer is nothing but a very dumb machine that has the ability to perform mathematical operations very rapidly and very accurately, but it can do nothing without the aid of a program written by a human being. Moreover, if the human being writes a program that turns good data into garbage, the computer will very obediently, and very rapidly, turn the good data into garbage. It is possible to write a computer program with one small error in it that will do that very thing, and in some cases appear to be generating good data. It is up to the human programmer to design a program to achieve the desired results.

A computer program is simply a "recipe" which the computer will use on the input data to derive the desired output data. It is similar to the recipe for baking a cake. The input data is comparable to the ingredients, including the heat supplied by the oven. The program is comparable to the recipe instructions to mix, stir, wait, heat, cool, and all other possible operations on the ingredients. The output of the computer program can be compared to the final cake sitting on the counter ready to be cut and served. A computer program is therefore composed of two parts, the data upon which the program operates, and the program that operates on the data. The data and program are inseparable as implied by the last sentence.


Nearly any computer program requires some numbers that never change throughout the program. They can be defined once and used as often as needed during the operation of the program. To return to the recipe analogy, once you have defined how big a tablespoon is, you can use the same tablespoon without regard to what you are measuring with it. When writing a computer program, you can define the value of PI = 3.141592, and continue to use it wherever it makes sense knowing that it is available, and correct.


In addition to constants, nearly every computer program uses some numbers that change in value throughout the program. They can be defined as variables, then changed to any values that make sense to the proper operation of the program. An example would be the number of eggs in the above recipe. If a single layer of cake required 2 eggs, then a triple layer cake would require 6 eggs. The number of eggs would therefore be a variable.


All constants and variables have a name and a value. In the last example, the name of the variable was "eggs", and the value was either 2 or 6 depending on when we looked at the stored data. In a computer program the constants and variables are given names in much the same manner, after which they can store any value within the defined range. Any computer programming language has a means by which constants or variables can be first named, then assigned a value. The means for doing this in Pascal will be given throughout the remainder of this tutorial.


Some computer languages allow the programmer to define constants and variables in a very haphazard manner and then combine data in an even more haphazard manner. For example, if you added the number of eggs, in the above recipe, to the number of cups of flour, you would arrive at a valid mathematical addition, but a totally meaningless number. Some programming languages would allow you to do just such an addition and obediently print out the meaningless answer. Since Pascal requires you to set up your constants and variables in a very precise manner, the possibility of such a meaningless answer is minimized. A well written Pascal program has many cross checks to minimize the possibility of a completely scrambled and meaningless output.

Notice however, in the last statement, that a "well written" Pascal program was under discussion. It is still up to the programmer to define the data structure in such a way that the program can help prevent garbage generation. In the end, the program will be no better than the analysis that went into the program design.

If you are a novice programmer, do not be intimidated by any of the above statements. Pascal is a well designed, useful tool that has been used successfully by many computer novices and professionals. With these few warnings, you are ready to begin.



Assuming that you know nothing at all about Pascal, and in fact, that you may know nothing about programming in general, we will begin to study Pascal. If you are already somewhat familiar with programming and especially Pascal, you will probably want to skip very quickly through the first few chapters. You should at least skim these chapters, and you should read the remainder of this introduction.

A few comments are in order to get us started in the right direction. The sample programs included with this tutorial are designed to teach you the basics of Pascal and they do not include any clever or tricky code. Nearly all of the programs are really quite dumb as far as being useful programs, but all will teach one or more principles of Pascal. I have seen one tutorial that included a 12 page program as the first example. In fact there were only 2 example programs in the entire tutorial, and it was impossible to glean the essentials of programming from that system. For this reason, I will completely bypass any long programs until the very end of this tutorial. In order to illustrate fundamental concepts used in Pascal programming, all programs will be very short and concise until we reach the last chapter.


Chapter 16 has some rather large programs to illustrate to you how to write a large program. It would be a disservice to you to show you all of the constructs of Pascal and not show you how to put them together in a meaningful way to build a large program. After completing all of the fundamentals of Pascal, it will then be very easy for you to use the tools learned to build as large a program as you desire or require for your next programming project.

Another problem I have noticed in example programs is the use of one word for all definitions. For example, a sort program is stored in a file called SORT, the program is named Sort, and various parts of the program are referred to as Sort1, Sort2, etc. This can be confusing since you have no idea if the program name must be the same as the filename, or if any of the other names were chosen to be the same because of some obscure rule not clearly documented. For this reason, the example programs use completely arbitrary names whenever the choice of a name adds nothing to the readability or clarity of a program. As an illustration of this, the first program is named Puppy_Dog. This adds nothing to the understanding of the program but does illustrate that the program name means nothing to the Pascal compiler concerning what the program does.

Due to the fundamental design of the Pascal language, certain words are "reserved" and can only be used for their defined purposes. These are listed in your TURBO Pascal reference manual. All of the sample programs in this tutorial are written with the reserved words in all lower-case letters, and the user variables in lower case with the first letter capitalized since this is becoming an accepted industry standard. Don't worry about what reserved words are yet, they will be completely defined later.

In this tutorial, all reserved words, type names, variable names, and procedure and function names will be listed in boldface type within the text as an aid to the student.


There are two methods used to run any computer program that is written in a readable form of English. The first method is to use an interpreter. An interpreter is a program that looks at each line of the "English" program, decides what the "English" on that line means, and does what it says to do. If one of the lines is executed repeatedly, it must be scanned and analyzed each time, greatly slowing down the solution of the problem at hand. A compiler, on the other hand, is a program that looks at each "English" statement one time and converts it into a code that the computer understands directly. When the compiled program is actually run, the computer does not have to figure out what each statement means, it is already in a form that the computer can run directly, resulting in much faster execution of the program.

This tutorial is written especially for Borland International's TURBO Pascal compilers version 5.0 through 7.0. These are very high quality compilers that can do nearly anything you will ask them to do since they are so flexible. The original intent of this tutorial was to write it in such a way that it would be completely generic and usable with any good Pascal compiler. The programmers at Borland included a great many nonstandard aids for the Pascal language and resulted in a very good product that has dominated the market for microcomputers. To completely omit all of the extensions would do those of you with the Borland compiler a real disservice, and to include the extensions would not allow other compilers to be used effectively with this tutorial.

The decision was made to use the Borland extensions which may make the tutorial difficult to use with other compilers. If you have a need to use Pascal with some other compiler, TURBO Pascal is so inexpensive that it would be a wise decision to purchase a copy solely for the purpose of learning the Pascal programming language, then moving to the other compiler on a minicomputer or a mainframe using the accumulated knowledge to very quickly learn the extensions provided by that particular compiler. At any rate, this tutorial will not teach you everything you will ever need to know about Pascal. It will, however, teach you the fundamentals and the advanced features of Pascal, but of even more importance is the knowledge of Pascal terminology needed to progress on your own into more advanced topics of Pascal and programming in general. You will find that experience will be your best teacher.


Some of the example programs will not work with some of the earlier versions of TURBO Pascal. This is primarily due to the fact that object oriented programming capabilities were added to version 5.5, and improved on in later versions. Most of the example programs will work with any version however. It should be pointed out that each successive version of TURBO Pascal has been an improvement over the previous version since additional capabilities have been added, and each new one compiles a little faster and results in smaller but faster executable code than the previous version. Any of the versions of TURBO Pascal can be used to learn to program in Pascal, so whichever version you have on hand will be adequate. Later, when you become more versed in programming techniques, you may wish to upgrade to the absolute latest version.


Most of the files will compile properly with TURBO Pascal versions 2.0 through 4.0. No warning will be given about which files will not compile with these versions since they have been superseded for so long. If you are still using one of the earlier versions, it would be good for you to purchase a newer version because of the flexibility.


Chapters 14 and 15 of this tutorial are written especially for TURBO Pascal version 5.5 and newer to discuss the use of object oriented programming and how to use the Borland extensions. Since the topic of object oriented programming is a very large and diverse field of study and only a limited space is available to discuss it in this tutorial, these chapters will give you only a brief overview of what it is and how to use it. You will find 13 complete example programs to get you started in this new and very meaningful endeavor and this introduction should whet your appetite to continue your study in more depth.

If you are using an early version of TURBO Pascal without the object oriented extensions, it would pay you to upgrade so you can learn how to use this new programming method. Object oriented programming has the potential to greatly improve the quality of your code and to reduce the debugging time required.


Copy the example files into your TURBO Pascal working directory and you are ready to begin, provided of course that you have already learned how to start the TURBO system and how to edit a Pascal file.

If you are not using TURBO Pascal, you will still be able to compile and execute many of these Pascal files, since most of the examples use standard Pascal syntax. There will be some statements used which are unique to TURBO Pascal and will not work with your compiler. This will be especially true when you come to the chapter on standard input and output since this is where most compilers differ. Unfortunately, this is one of the most important aspects of any programming language, since it is required to get data into and out of the computer to do anything useful. You will also find that chapter 13, covering the topic of units, is unique to TURBO Pascal and will not work with any Pascal compilers other than TURBO Pascal.


It is highly suggested that you do the programming exercises after you complete the study for each chapter. They are carefully selected to test your understanding of the material covered in that chapter. If you do not write, enter, debug, and run these programs, you will only be proficient at reading Pascal. If you do the exercises completely, you will have a good start at being a Pascal program writer.

It should also be mentioned that this tutorial will not teach you everything you will ever need to know about Pascal. You will continue to learn new techniques as long as you continue to write programs. Experience is the best teacher here just as it is in any endeavor. This tutorial will teach you enough about Pascal that you should feel very comfortable as you search through the reference manual for some topic. You will also be able to read and understand any Pascal program you find in textbooks or magazines. Although the primary goal of this tutorial is to teach you the syntax and use of Pascal, the most important byproduct is the knowledge of Pascal terminology you will gain. This terminology will enable you to learn even more about Pascal and programming in general.


The directory /ans contains an answer to each of the programming exercises given at the end of the chapters. You should attempt to do original work on each of the exercises before referring to these answers, in order to gain your own programming experience. These answers are given for your information in case you are completely stuck on how to solve a particular problem. These answers are not meant to be the only answer, since there are many ways to program anything, but they are meant to illustrate one way to solve the suggested programming problem.

The answers are all in compilable files named in the format CHnn_m.PAS where nn is the chapter number, and m is the exercise number. If there is more than one answer required, an A, B, or C is included following the exercise number.

My Headlines